puzzle #59: themeless thirty-four (w/ ricky cruz)

puzzle 59: NaNoCriMo #03 (Themeless)
by ada nicolle and ricky cruz (link bolded)

Day three of NaCroWriMo! The more I say the acronym the more I hate it but I'm sticking with it.
This is a themeless me and Ricky started almost a year ago (it'll become apparent when you solve) and have been procrastinating posting for the longest time. I hope some of the datedness is funny at some points, it's certainly a reflection of the time we made it. Also, if there's any incredible/funny clues, they're probably Ricky's. He's a cluing wizard.


Yeah so what we didn't construct this puzzle *this month*. I get to make my own rules for this lol.
Speaking of NaCroWriMo, I'm excited for Norah Sharpe's NaCroWriMo posts!! Yayyyyyy. We livin'.

As always, if you want to support me more, click the Patreon link in the sidebar!

Enjoy the puz!
- Ada


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