puzzle #27: themeless twenty-one

puzzle 27: themeless twenty-one - don't freak out!!
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Yee-yee I'm back. July flew by, but August is going to be a fun month I think. Kicking it off with this puzzle, inspired by 1-Across and 15-Across and filled from there. Feeling pretty good about it, and I hope you are too.

Some announcements:

I have completed my charity pack and will be releasing it right here on Monday, August 3rd!! I'll be posting a free puzzle here along with the release so keep your eyes peeled. All the information about the pack will be in the post.

In completely different news, I also have a guest puzzle today on Et Tu Etui, a new puzzle site. This puzzle started as a joke around Boswords when I tried to see if I could stack a whole bunch of dirty words with fair crossings. Turns out: it's possible. I was debating putting it here, but then Et Tu showed up, and it felt way more suited for their website. It's definitely not like my normal stuff, and probably not like anything I'll ever make again, so apologies in advance! Hope it gives you a good laugh if anything.

Last thing: I'd like to give a shoutout to Chris Adams (arctanxwords) and Aaron Paulsen (scootsbaboo) for their crossword live-streams. I love watching puzzles be solved as much as I love making them, and if you do too, check them out!

Enjoy the puz! New one Monday.


  1. When I saw the clue for 53D,I knew immediately that the answer was "Maryland". But I couldn't figure out how to make it fit in four letters.


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